
Ticino, Merlot’s happy home on the south side of the Alps

On the southern slope of the Alps, the Ticino region enjoys a sunny climate influenced by the Mediterranean. Ticino is divided into two regions: Sopraceneri (Bellinzona) to the north of Monte Ceneri where there are still vines in pergolas, and Sottoceneri (Lugano) to the south. The Ticino vineyards are traditionally scattered in small plots. On nearly 80% of Ticino's vines, Merlot is grown which, when it enjoys a favorable situation and is vinified according to the rules of the art, sets itself up as a real competitor to the red wines of Bordeaux. We can say that it has found a second home in Ticino. Merlot Bianco, a Merlot wine vinified in white, is gaining more and more followers.

Ticino Information

Info from various sources including the very resourceful www.ticinowine.ch

Key info

Area1'163 ha

Distribution10% white, 90% red (NB approximately 20% of Merlot is vinified white)

ClimateA wetter, sunnier, Mediterranean climate than the rest of Switzerland but high rainfall at 1,600mm per year as well as serious hailstorms

SoilsGneiss in the north, limestone in the south

CultivationTerraces and pergolas


Ticino Map

Ticino Grapes

Grapes (white) Area Share of region
Chardonnay 47 ha 4.0%
Sauvignon blanc 20 ha 1.7%
Grapes (red) Area Share of region
Merlot 891 ha 76.6%
Cabernet Franc 15 ha 1.3%
Cabernet Sauvignon 15 ha 1.3%
Pinot Noir 12 ha 1.0%
Gamaret 10 ha 0.9%

Our selection of Ticino producers

In no particular order, we have selected for you the following wineries for the quality of their wines and/or their hospitality.

Estate Address Website

Via Al Mondò 3, 6514 Sementina (TI)

GIALDI VINI Via Vignoo, 3, 6850 Mendrisio (TI)

TENUTA LUIGINA Via Bruciata 2, 6855 Stabio (TI)

TENUTA SAN GIORGIO Via al Bosco 40, 6990 Cassina d'Agno (TI)

CHRISTIAN ZUENDEL Beride 25/31, 6980 Croglio-Castelrotto (TI)